Stats:22 1/8 inches (50%)11 lbs 10 ozs (70%)His head is 41.5 cm which is the 88%. He has a big head. He's starting to talk more when he's happy and those little noises make my day. They are the sweetest sounds and I look forward to them being even more frequent. We're still dealing with a lot of crying and the doctor wasn't much help. She checked his ears but they're fine so we can't blame it on that. She still doesn't think it has anything to do with my diet but I still have to try. If there's anything I can do to help my baby not cry so much then I'm going to try.
I'm dreading this week being over because I start work on Monday. Im going to miss that little guy like crazy. I keep hearing his little cry in my head and miss it while he's sleeping so not seeing him for 4 hours everyday is going to be hard.
My parents were here this last weekend which was awesome. It was nice to have some extra arms to help with Owen. Pat and I got to go out for a motorcycle ride on Sunday which was fun. We don't get much time together since he's so busy working and all
of my time goes to Owen and anything left is spent sleeping. We keep telling each other it is just a season.
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