Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 Weeks

I started work on Monday and it was so, so hard to leave Owen! I cried all morning before getting to work and the first hour or so was pretty rough but I got through it. Pat had Owen on his own for the morning and he said it went okay. My sister got here Monday afternoon and watched Owen Tuesday and Wednesday morning. It's been nice having an extra pair of arms here to help with Owen.

I still don't know if my diet change has had an affect on Owen yet. Somedays he cries a lot and some days he's better. He's not as gassy as he was so that may be from the diet change? It's quite possible that he's just outgrowing it all too so we'll just have to wait and see. I'm hoping he outgrows it because I miss cheese and a host of other things. It seems like everyday I find something else I can't eat which is kind of depressing. Yesterday one of Pat's classmates brought a lasagna and bread over for us and I just had to smell it and watch Pat and Amanda eat it.

We put Owen in the Bumbo the other night and he seemed to really like it.
He's still sleeping great at night but terribly during the day. 20 minute naps make it very difficult to get anything done around the house so it's a disaster around here. He's really funny at night because he knows when it's time to go to bed. He'll be smiling and talking then all of a sudden have a total meltdown and I know it's time to get him to bed. We have a little routine of putting lotion on and he loves when I put it on his legs. He just smiles and coos. The other night I had taken him upstairs to put his pajamas on and he was so happy and smiling so I thought I'd take him downstairs to say goodnight to Pat andwe got halfway down the stairs and he started crying. We can't mess around with bedtime with this guy!

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