Thursday, March 29, 2012

7 weeks

Just when I thought we were making progress with sleeping Owen changed his mind. We had 4 nights of blissful sleep and then last night was horrible. From Saturday to Tuesday his first stretch of sleep was almost 5 hours then the next ones were between 2-3 hours and I was in heaven! It took about 45 minutes of nursing before he'd go down but I was ok with that. When he would wake up to eat it was only 15-20 minutes and he was sleeping later than 5am. Last night though it took over 2 hours for him to go down and pat had to go in 3 times after that. He woke up at 2am so I nursed him and we were up for 2 hours and then at 7 he was ready to start the day. I'm praying it was just a fluky night and we go back to the previous nights schedule.
Tuesday morning he put himself to sleep in his crib and slept for 2 1/2 hours. I got so much done! Hasn't happened since but he's stating to sleep for longer periods during the day instead of the catnaps he was taking.
We're trying swaddling again since that's what worked when he put himself to sleep.
This weekend Pat's family was in town and Owen did okay most of the time. Friday night we were out to eat and he freaked out so we had to come home early.

I really can't believe how fast he is growing. He's smiling more which is great. He's so much fun when he's happy and I'm hoping that he'll start being happier more often.

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