Thursday, March 22, 2012

6 Weeks

Little man is doing pretty well with sleeping at night. Last night was our best night yet! He slept for 4 hours straight and went 5 hours without nursing. That is a new record. He fell asleep around 9:30 in his carseat and slept until 1:30 and then slept until 5:15. I tried to get him back down after that feeding but he was ready to start his day. He was pretty happy for a little while after we got up then got fussy and now he's sleeping again in the Moby. He naps great when I wear him but I can't really nap while wearing him. Oh well. I feel like I have quite a bit of energy for the amount of sleep I get but a nap every once in a while would be nice. 

I think we had a growth spurt this week. Owen nursed almost nonstop from Monday-Tuesday afternoon. It came at the same time I was trying to keep the pacifier away from him because he's been doing something goofy while nursing so I think that added to the feeding marathon. During the day he didn't go more than an hour without nursing and Monday night we slept in the same bed and I have no idea how often he ate. I was exhausted though.

Tuesday night the ladies at work threw a shower for us and they were so generous. I couldn't believe how many gifts we got. We are so blessed. Owen got this giraffe toy that he loves. We've gotten a lot of smiles out of him with that toy. He also got a lot of clothes for this summer and fall that are adorable. 

Owen will get lots of love this weekend as Pat's family will all be here for Jimmy and Jessica's wedding shower. I think he'll like all of the attention.

1 comment:

  1. That is one awesome little guy! We can't wait to meet him!
