Mr Owen has begun a fussy stage in the last couple of days. I think most of the time his tummy is causing him trouble. I'm trying to cut dairy out of my diet to see if that is causing his issues but it is proving much more difficult than I planned. It's more than just not drinking milk and eating ice cream or cheese. I didn't realize just how much dairy I eat until I started looking at labels and seeing that almost everything I love has milk in it. I haven't been strict enough so I should probably work on that if I'm going to find out if that's the issue. I'm really praying that it isn't the issue because that is going to be so difficult.
Owen was so good last night and it was the first time he slept somewhere other than in bed with me or while someone was holding him. He slept in his rocking seat which is one step closer to his bassinet or crib. He slept from 11-3 which was awesome but then woke up every 1.5-2 hours to eat which made for a pretty tired mama in the morning. I felt great at 3am though! I'm not counting on that happening tonight though because last night he was really relaxed and didn't even scream during his bath which is a first.
I think he's hit a growth spurt because he's pretty much been nursing since 3:00 this afternoon. He falls asleep while eating but then wakes up as soon as I move him and wants to eat again. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted and there's no way that anyone can help. We just have to wait it out.
Even though a crying baby and exhaustion and feeling like you don't even have the time to pee let alone eat is hard I LOVE being a mom to this little person.
I'm learning to be thankful for the times when everything seems to be going well but not get excited for them because there is no "usual" with this little guy. Just when I think we maybe have some sort of routine he changes it up and I feel like we start over. Thats okay though because we'll get there eventually. This is a temporary phase that will seem like eternity while in it but will have flown by when I look back so I'll work on enjoying and treasuring every minute I have with this precious little bundle.
Max has/had this same sleeper! He's to big for it now!