Tuesday, August 28, 2012

He sleeps!

Owen officially slept through the night last night! Woohoo! He fell asleep around 8:00 and woke up a little after 6:00 this morning. I actually woke up to Pat's alarm at 6:15 and went in to check on Owen and he was awake and saw me so he wasn't going to let me go back to sleep. I was kind of hoping that he would fall back to sleep but he was ready for the day. I'll hope that this is the new trend but won't count on it since he hasn't had any regularity with wake up times for a few weeks. I am excited that it finally happened though!

We discovered over the weekend that Owen is getting his 2nd tooth in. His 1st tooth is the front bottom right and this one is right next to it on the left. They are sharp little things!

He's laughing more often and it's doesn't take nearly as much to make him laugh which I love. He's also getting more talkative and has started squealing again but only when he's happy about something so I'm okay with that.

My favorite thing he's been doing lately is while we're walking down the stairs (usually in the mornings) I'll glance down at him and he's just looking at me with this huge smile on my face. It makes for a good start to the day!

I've had my first act of discipline "training" in the last day or two. He likes to grab whatever he can which is a problem while he's nursing. He'll grab at my shirt or his clothes or my face which I'm okay with but he likes to grab my arm and pinch which is really painful. He only does it when he's nursing on my left side. I just grab his arm and say "no" and hope that he eventually learns. I know he's too young for discipline thus the reason I'm calling it training. I think that with enough repetition he'll learn it's not okay to pinch Mommy.

"what do you mean the avocado is all gone?!?!?"

Monday, August 20, 2012

A tooth!

Owen's first tooth poked through today! He was gnawing on my finger and I noticed something felt a little different so I rubbed my finger over his gum and there it was on the bottom. You can't really see it but you it's there and a little bit sharp! We've had a couple of rough nights lately but I just figured it was him being overtired but I guess it could've been teething related. I'll be thrilled if this is the most teething bothers him.

Owen has learned to drop and throw his toys around. I'm not exactly sure that it's always intentional but we've begun the never ending game of pick up/throw down.

Owen is also laughing more which I am loving. He loves to be tickled, dipped upside down or bounced around. He's also liking peek a boo.

He is learning that moving his tongue in his mouth creates different noises. He's making the TH sounds frequently and now when he cries it sounds like he's saying "nnnnn" or he's blowing raspberries.

We've added carrot's and oatmeal to the list of foods that Owen has eaten. I pureed some peas the other night and froze them but I think we'll try a fruit next like pears or apples. We shall see!

This is what happens when we talk with our mouth full. Carrots everywhere!

I love his face in these next two. They're the faces I see a lot of but seem to disappear as soon as the camera comes out.

 Not really interested in this whole sitting thing. It's harder to use the feet!

We had church in the park yesterday and Owen loved it!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

6 month stats

Weight: 17 lbs 1/2 oz (50%)
Height: 27 inches (65%)
Head: 18 inches (90%)

Monday, August 13, 2012

6 months

This is delayed by a few days due to camping and not having internet. Our little babe turned 6 months old on Thursday and here are a few random things about Mr Owen.

You love being outside
The way you soothe your self to sleep is to shake your head back and forth and rub a blanket on your face
You don't like to be far from mommy
You like to play with daddy's face and take off his glasses
Your belly and ribs are super ticklish
I think you are going to be an introvert like mommy; you like individual attention but get overwhelmed with lots of people
You've become a pro at putting yourself to sleep. Very rarely do I hear you cry after laying you down
You like to hang out in your crib when you first wake up and talk to yourself
You like when Mommy and Daddy sing to you. Daddy made up a song for you and Mommy sings "You Are My Sunshine" when you're not happy and it usually calms you down
At bedtime we read a book then sing "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus", "You Are My Sunshine" and "The Lord Bless You and Keep You"
You love bath time and being in water
So far you've eaten rice cereal, bananas, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes and had a lick of pineapple. Someone also gave you a cheerio which Mommy wasn't happy about
You love to grab your toes, suck on your fingers and are completely fascinated by your hands
Everything goes in your mouth but no teeth yet
You are quite the spitter so we try to always have a burp cloth nearby
You still can't digest dairy but mommy is okay with not eating it now
I love when you're excited and give me your version of hugs and kisses
You have a toy giraffe that you like to play with
You can sit on your own for a few seconds but prefer not to. You'd much rather lie on your back and grab your toes
You've started to look at and reach for things behind you
You are liking you Jumperoo more and are pretty good at turning the pages on it
You love when people clap for you
You take 3 naps everyday that last about 45-60 minutes although you've taken a few 2.5 hour naps recently
You roll wonderfully from you belly to your back but still don't go the other way
You like to grab at Mommy's phone and iPad when they are nearby
You are growing way too fast!

We are loving our little man so much! He's so much fun and learning things all of the time.

We've been traveling a lot lately so Owen's nights have been a little rough. We went to MN for a few days last week while Pat was in Boston for a conference then came home for a night then left for camporama. We don't have any travel plans coming up now which is nice. I'm looking forward to getting back into our routine and having some semblance of normal again. Last night Owen woke up 4 times which was not so fun. Hopefully it was just due to being back in his bed.

Owen got to meet my piano teacher while we were home

Owen's first taste of sweet potatoes