I think I'll have to eventually switch to monthly updates instead of weekly and just post randomly when there's something new to say. Not a lot has changed since last week.
We're still struggling with night time sleep. Last night I felt like a I had a newborn again. It took about an hour to get Owen asleep after feeding him. I went up 3-4 times to stick the paci back in and rub his head. The first time he had a big burp to get out so I thought that would solve it but he still woke up a couple of times after that. It was almost 9 when he finally got down and then woke up at 11:45 and 4:15. Each time he got up he nursed for 30-45 minutes so I didn't get much sleep. His sleep stretches are so sporadic lately. The other night he slept 8 hours straight. It doesn't seem to matter how much I feed him before putting him down either. I can't figure it out.
I'm looking forward to trying to get him on a napping schedule during the day after I'm done working. 4 months is the time to start that from what I've read so it's perfect timing.
He still nurses forever and cries if I cut him off. I'm hoping that being with him all day will curb the need to nurse for so long.
He's so fun to listen to when he talks and he's starting to make different noises. We got a couple of squeals last night; one happy one not so happy. He's super close to laughing and I try so hard to get it out of him but he refuses. The other night I tried for a good 30-45 minutes without success. He then started to fuss and Pat took him and he just snuggled on his lap and stared at me. Pretty sure he was thinking "daddy, keep that crazy lady away from me!"
He's still not a fan of tummy time but I keep trying. He lasts longer if he can see the tv. Not my proudest parenting moment but i guess you win some and lose some.
Telling my boss I was quitting was hard and I was sad to leave but now that it's official June 6 can't come soon enough.
This weekend will be our first trip with Owen and I'm excites to be going somewhere. We haven't been anywhere since early January because being in the car was so uncomfortable. I'm also a little nervous since we have no idea how Owen will do on a long car ride and sleeping somewhere unfamiliar. I'm looking forward to it though.
This is what tummy time ends up looking like.
We love bath time!
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