The last few nights have been rough as far as getting him to sleep. I'd been able to just nurse him for 15-20 minutes then lay him in his crib and he'd be good for hours. Now I lay him in his crib sound asleep but he wakes up 10 minutes later and I either have to feed him more or rub his head for him to go back to sleep. He's not really waking up more often during the night but he's taking longer to go down. I'm hoping it doesn't last much longer because I am tired. We've had a few more evening events in the last week which means he's gone to bed later than usual so that could be causing it. It's a good reminder to not get too dependent on what's "typical" because it can change at any moment.
He's doing a little better in the nap department as far as sleeping longer which is nice. The other day he slept an hour and a half for Pat (Pat had to wake him up to come get me so he probably would've slept longer) and then another hour and a half for me in the afternoon.
I'm putting in my notice at work tomorrow and June 6 will be my last day. The stress level in our house has been through the roof lately and Pat feels that it would be best for me to stay home. I'm sad and excited at the same time. Taking care of Owen 20 hours a week has been tough on Pat. He's got so many things going on right now and Owen isn't exactly easy. I'm very blessed to have a husband that wants me home since that is really where my heart is. I'm a little sad about leaving my job though. I enjoy my co-workers and the work that I do and they've been very accommodating with letting me come back part-time. The extra income would be nice but we need to do what's best for our family and that means staying home full-time. It will be nice to be able to go places and not have to worry about asking for time off of work. We wanted to visit our friends in Ames on our way to Kansas City over Memorial Day but I couldn't get that Friday off. Now we'll be able to take trips during the week without having to deal with that. Not that we'll be taking many trips though since we'll be broke! :) I'm looking forward to more time with Owen and a happier husband.
"Peace out Mom"
This is where his thumb hangs out 90% of the time.
Go Hawkeyes!
He's got the A sounds down!
I'm a bit late here -- so glad you will be able to be home with Owen! Schedules at this age are hard because they are nonexistent! That was the hardest thing for me about mothering an infant, I would just think I had it figured out and things would change. God gives His grace....