I held off on intentionally introducing dairy this week. I was eating some tortilla chips for a couple days before realizing they had milk in them and Owen got pretty crabby over the weekend. I hadn't been sure if he was getting better until this weekend and then we were reminded of what he was like a month ago. I'll probably wait until he's 6 months to try again.
We're finding some ways to make tummy time work. If I have the boppy on my lap and lay him on that facing it he does really well. Today we laid on a blanket outside for a while and I put my arm around him with my hand under his chest to kind of hold him up and he did pretty good that way.
He's been nursing less often but for longer periods of time. He's not happy after he eats which is baffling me a little bit. He'll nurse for 20+ minutes and I know he's getting enough. He might be in pain but if I distract him right away he's fine which is the confusing part. Pat said he does the same thing with him as well.
He's still sleeping great at night. The last 3 nights he's gone to bed later because we've been out and so he's just woken up once which is nice for me. Last night he slept from 9-4, ate and then got up at 6:30.
He's such a joy to my life and everyday I love being a mom more and more!
I think the sun was interrupting his nap
Playing with Daddy's beard
Playing with his giraffe (notice those monkey toes!)
He looks like he's ready for college. My friend Amy made him the super cute shirt.
he is growing up so fast! love the onesie on him :)