Friday, December 23, 2011

31 Weeks

I dropped the ball and didn't get a post up yesterday. No excuse other than just plain forgetting.

I officially stopped liking pregnancy after my last update. Everything sort of went downhill as far as comfort and enjoyability. Hormones kicked in and I became an emotional basket case. I've also gotten significantly more uncomfortable and am just ready to have this baby. I knew this would happen eventually I was just hoping it would be a little closer to the end instead of when we still have 2 months of growing. I think the most frustrating part is all of the the contractions I get whenever I try to do anything. Last Friday night I was having a lot and probably should have called the doctor but instead just did what usually makes them go away. I think I stressed myself out at work which started them and then they just kept happening. Hopefully no one thinks I'm irresponsible for not calling the doctor but I wanted to try everything I could to make them stop before making a big deal of it and they eventually did. I'm starting to feel a little guilty about it now but I'm pretty sure everything is fine.

My ankles have begun to disappear in the couple of days which is oh so lovely. I'm trying to drink more water and keep my feet up as much as possible. All of these things are making it very difficult to keep up with my house.

Pat has been sick for a couple of days so we are sleeping in separate beds. He snores terribly when he's sick which didn't used to be an issue when I could sleep through the night but now that I wake up all the time it makes it a little tricky to fall back to sleep so until he can breathe I'll be in the spare bedroom. Hopefully he gets to feeling better very soon as we're spending Christmas in Kansas City this year. I'd hate for him to be miserable the whole time we're there.

We have absolutely no snow here and it's been in the 30's and 40's lately and will continue so it's making it difficult for me to believe that it is Christmas. The only thing convincing me is our tree; the stockings; and my pine smelling candles. Without those things I would be convinced it's October.

I had another stranger at the hospital tell me she thought we are having a boy. Some of my co-workers are saying girl but that's just because that's what they want me to have not necessarily what they think it is. I found a couple of gender predictor tests online and both said boy but I guess we'll just wait and see! We'll be thrilled with either one.

1 comment:

  1. Guess I never had the "joy" of being very far in a pregnancy over the holidays but I'm sure the disruption of schedules, the changes in eating patterns and the pressures of getting all the things done we "have" to do for the holidays tend to stretch the muscles and emotions of pregnancy to their limit too! Praying your time in Kansas City has been a good relaxing time for all of you and you'll have "hit the wall" so the last 2 months will be the best part of the pregnancy!
