Thursday, December 15, 2011

30 Weeks

I'm starting to feel H-U-G-E. I'm not sure if it's due to being 7 1/2 months pregnant or all of the Christmas cookies I've been eating. Probably a combination of both. I'd been bragging a little bit that all of the weight I've gained has gone straight to my belly until I tried a pre-pregnancy skirt on this morning and found it to be tight in places not my belly. I found out where some of the weight has been dispersed to!

We had a doctors appointment on Monday that went pretty much like every other one. It was with a different OB since they want me to meet some of the other ones. She was great and if she's the one on call when I go into labor I will not complain. She told me more about the lovely fibroid that is growing on the outside of my uterus and it sounds like out of the 3 or so types you can have it's probably the one I would pick. It's called a pedunculated fibroid (which is a hilarious word all by itself) which just means it grows from a stalk. If the fibroid were on the inside of the uterus it can cause abnormal bleeding and make it difficult to get pregnant (not our case here); if it were in the lining of the uterus it could cause preterm labor because there's not enough room for the baby to grow; a pedunculated fibroid grows on the outside of the uterus and and during pregnancy usually just gets shoved to the side and doesn't cause any problems. The risk of this type is that the stalk it grows on can twist which I've read is extremely painful. Sorry if that was more than you wanted to know.

Baby is likely around 3 pounds now although I'm going to guess our little baby with a beer belly is more than that.

I've had a couple of people at the hospital tell me they think I'm having a boy. It's always interesting hearing peoples opinions. I'm keeping my opinions to myself until after this baby is born :)

We had our final baby class on Tuesday and we covered epidurals and what to expect after the baby is born. I'm starting to get a little nervous about this whole parenting thing but am still so excited to meet this baby even with all the fears that will come along with it.


  1. Wearing a "Twins" t-shirt... is there something else you're trying to tell us?
