Thursday, December 8, 2011

29 Weeks

This last week went fast! It's hard to believe I'm almost out of the 20s. We're getting closer!

We had our first child prep class at the hospital on Tuesday and had a tour of the maternity floor and learned a little about what to prepare for. We'll have one more class next Tuesday. They showed one short birthing video and I think Pat got to see more than he wanted. He asked me later if he was going to have to see all of that and I said yes unless he wants to look at my face the whole time. I think he's a little more freaked out about birth than I am but I think he'll be a great coach.

I have a doctors appointment on Monday morning which starts my rotation with the other doctors in the practice as well as 2 week check ups. I got a letter the other day saying I passed my GT test which means I don't have gestational diabetes. Good news there! She also said that I'm borderline anemic so if I start feeling "extremely tired" to take an iron supplement. That didn't really surprise me because every time I've tried to donate blood I've been turned away because I need more iron. So far I don't think I've gotten to the point of feeling extremely tired but I've wondered how I'll be able to tell in the future if the tiredness is just because I'm in the third trimester and not sleeping well or if it's because I'm anemic. I guess I'll just wait and see!

I'm still enjoying the baby rolls that are going on. It's crazy to hold my hand on my stomach and feel a body moving back and forth. Sometimes it feels like the baby is knocking on my hip bone which is a little weird because it lasts until I change positions and every once in a while it feels like baby just shivered. I'm not always sure what's going on in there. It'll be fun when the baby is born to try and recognize those movements on the outside.

Braxton Hicks are slowing me down here and there. Mostly when I'm trying to clean the house. I'll have to sit down every so often so they go away. The also tend to happen whenever I have to pee which for the last couple of days is every time I stand up. Not so enjoyable.

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