Micah is currently working on his balance and we've seen a lot of improvement with how long he can stand on his own. He's probably up to 20-30 seconds before falling. He loves doing forward trust falls. He does great walking with push toys but hasn't attempted any steps on his own.
Peekaboo. This boy loves this game more than any kid I've ever seen. He'll play with anyone that look at him. He does it with me a lot when he has his buddy and is really good and keeping me on my toes. I never really know how long he'll hide. So funny.
We're up to 10 teeth now. I noticed his first molar on top a week or so ago and then last night I noticed the other side was starting to poke through.
Sleep seems to be either terrible or mediocre. We had a couple of nights where he would cry anytime he was put down but fortunately it only lasted a couple of nights. There was one morning where he'd woken up around 4:00 and I just brought him in bed with me and he went back to sleep. Typically he wouldn't lay next to me like that unless he was nursing (which is still painful) but he just snuggled in and we both fell asleep. It was actually quite wonderful. He didn't nap much yesterday - maybe 30-40 minutes total but did really well last night. He got up once at 4:00 for 10 minutes and then was back to sleep until 6:45 (which has become his regular wake up time). I'm thinking that 2nd molar contributed to our rough week. He slept really well today and we'll see how tonight goes. I have to keep reminding myself to not get all worked up when he has a rough night or two and just give him the snuggles that he needs.
We've gotten into a fairly regular schedule of nap time at 9:00 and 2:00 and bedtime at 7:45. I kind of forced a later bedtime now that the weather his nicer and it doesn't get dark so early. We've been able to go for some bike rides which is fun and both boys seem to enjoy it. I think Micah has dozed off every time though.
Micah still LOVES his bath and always wants to stand up which I don't love.
We're pretty much solely on table food now. I'll occasionally give him some fruit in the morning if he doesn't seem interested in his cereal or a jar of vegetable at lunch or dinner if he needs some veggies that day. He much prefers the real thing though and will only have a few bites. He LOVES blueberries and bananas.
We've been going for a lot of walks to the pond lately. We don't usually have enough time to go all the way to the park so we just walk down to the pond to look for ducks or geese. Micah enjoys that time as long as we keep moving.
Micah had his first haircut on Tuesday and is looking like such a big boy. It made me a little sad to see those little curls in the back go but it looks so much better now.
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