Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Micah - 4 months

H: 25.1 inches (50%)
W: 16 lb 5 oz (75%)
HC: 16.8 inches/42.5cm (75%)

Micah is still the happiest baby I've come across which somewhat makes up for the fact that he's sleeping like crap. My wonderfully easy baby that was sleeping so well decided to throw it out the window right after my last post. He's gotten progressively worse and this is the most tired I've felt since he was born. I actually tried to nap today which I never do. I think I got 5-10 minutes in before Micah woke up. Part of the reason I don't try to nap is that it usually means a kid will wake up shortly after I lay down or the phone will ring or someone will knock on the door. In my mind I'd rather be tired than be woken up right as I'm falling asleep. Anyway, nobody wants to hear how tired I am and I'm not going to care a year from now. :) Pat was gone for a week at a conference and I decided I needed to get the boys to bed earlier if I was going to stay sane while he was gone. I started putting Micah to bed at 7:00 and have kept that up for a couple of weeks. I was trying to figure out when he was getting tired at night and go off of his cues but they weren't clear enough so I decided I just needed to choose what time I wanted him to go down and stick do it. I try to do the same routine as I did with Owen with a book and lotion and nursing but sometimes it's just swaddle and nursing and there's no time for anything else. I nurse him again around 10:30 when I go to bed because the first couple of nights he woke up an hour after I went to sleep and a "dream feed" give me an extra hour or 2. Micah's sleep stretches have gotten shorter and shorter - going for 3 hours, to 2 hours to ~1.5 hours last night. Being woken up that frequently makes for a tired and grumpy mama. At this point in time Owen is sleeping more hours than Micah is which is frustrating. Naps are not going particularly well either. He typically wakes up after 35 minutes and I've started letting him cry for a while before going in and he'll usually go back to sleep. We had a couple of days this week where he slept for 1.5 in the morning and another 1.5 - 2 hours in the afternoon. The problem I ran into was that he would wake up at 3:30-4 and then be ready for a nap at 5:30-6 which isn't ideal when you want to put him down at 7. He's so happy during the day so I at least have that.
The other hard part is that he HATES to be alone. I can't leave the room for a minute without him getting upset. He's not too fond of his activity mat and is really only content with sitting in his bouncy seat watching me or being held. I've put him in the bumbo a few times which he likes for a few minutes but then gets tired. Maybe he'll grow up to be an extrovert...
Aside from the sleeping and not wanting to be alone he is a total joy. The nights are short and the days can be long at times but the joy that this little boy has is so great. I pray he keeps that happy spirit.
I'm getting more and more giggles out of him which is so fun. He rolled over for the first time last week. He went back to front which is opposite of Owen. He's only done it once or twice but he never really wants to lay on the floor so he doesn't get much time to practice. He always tries to pull himself up to a sitting position if he's leaning back so I wouldn't be too surprised if he sits earlier than Owen did. The doctor said he had great core strength so we'll see.

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