One more month and Owen will be 1! I did a little reminiscing over the last few days since it was around this time last year that pregnancy got a little more eventful. January 6th was my 34 week appointment and when the blood pressure issues began and I had my first NST. It's so hard to believe that it was that long ago.
Here are a few updates on Owen since I haven't updated in a bit:
Owen has 2 more teeth on the bottom that are almost completely through.
Owen learned how to clap on Christmas Eve and has decided that it is more fun than waving. He's also started this cute little bashful face when people say hi to him. He'll tuck his chin into his chest for a bit then flash a big smile. It's super cute.
Owen loves pointing and especially loves lights and fans. He's learned how to sign fan so wherever we go he immediately locates the fans and tells me. He's pretty good about pointing to the lights when I ask where they are.
Pat taught him about light switches so we have to stop at every one in the house.
He's learning to get around more and more. He'll take steps if I hold his hands while he stands in front of me. He loves standing too and will let you know when he doesn't want to sit. It cracks me up. He'll bend his knees but hold the rest of his body straight and will stay that way until I either stand him up or lay him on his back. I've caught him up on his hands and knees a few times lately. Usually he leans forward and is on one knee and the other turned under him and as soon as he gets that other leg out from underneath him he straightens out. He's learned how to scoot forward in the last couple of days. It takes a lot of effort and is pretty slow going (I would liken his movement and speed to a snail). He's great at spinning in circles on his belly and rolling all over but I am still his preferred mode of transportation.
Owen now has a Flipper laugh when he's being silly. He also started making this silly sound with his mouth. I think he's squishing his spit through his teeth. I just know that I can't replicate it. I've tried!
I've been trying to give Owen more table foods now. Mostly because it gives me a chance to eat at the same time. The other night I made turkey burgers that had green onions and parsley in them and I didn't think he'd like it but he ate half of a burger! I bought some avocado's this week so he's been scarfing those down. He seems to like foods that have a little more flavor.
I learned over Christmas to not give Owen pineapple. He had maybe two or three pieces and then one night before bed he was just crying and crying and he had a terrible rash that was bleeding. I tried to put him in a bath but he just screamed so I had him lay on a towel with no diaper for a while and he seemed better after that.
The not so fun development is the tantrum. We're still trying to figure how to handle them. He's been using the Bumbo during meal times and if he throws a fit he throws his head back and hits the chair which then causes more crying.
Owen did great while we were gone for 3 weeks over Christmas and New Years. He slept in 5 different rooms but was very flexible every time we had to move him. The last couple of nights while we were at my parents were the worst. He was waking up 1-3 times and would be awake for 45 minutes to 2 hours. He would wake up and just want to play and would only be still if I nursed him. Needless to say I was exhausted. I think it was mostly due to being tired of sleeping in a pack 'n' play but I think he was also wanting to practice all of the things he's been learning. The last night we were there he woke up at 4am and was awake until I put him in bed with Grandma at 5:30 so I could get a little more sleep.
Last night I made the mistake of putting Owen on the bed while I went into the bathroom to fill his humidifier. I thought that since I could see him that I could get there quick enough if he started rolling. Well, he started rolling faster than I expected and I made it just in time. It turned into a pretty dramatic event with me banging me knee into the space heater (which was incredibly painful) and then slipping on the floor because I was wearing socks while grabbing him off the bed. The things you go through to protect your child. Sheesh!
I went to my first KU game while Owen stayed with Grandma & Grandpa |
We saw Martina McBride with Pat's mom and sister |
Pat with Eric Winston - he plays for the Chiefs hence the huge smile on Pat's face |
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