H: 27.5 inches
HC: 45.9 cm
I love watching Owen try to figure out what his body can do. He'll stare as his hand and watch it open and close or at his toes as he wiggles them. Pat loves that he'll sit on his lap and give him 5's for several minutes. He's learning how to wave although sometimes he just ends up smacking us or himself in the face. His arms get pretty wild at times and I think it's mostly when he's excited.
We are still on a 3 nap schedule which I'm okay with now. My attempt to move him to 2 naps failed miserably so we went back to 3 and it's working well. This is what our day usually looks like:
7-7:30 - wake up and nurse (that's when I actually hear him. He plays in his crib for a while so I don't know what time he actually wakes up)
8:30-9 - nap
9:45-10:15 - wake up and nurse
11-11:30 - lunch
12:00 - nap
12:45-1 - wake up and nurse
3:00 - nap
4:00 - wake up and nurse
5-5:30 - dinner then play with daddy
6:30 - nurse and bedtime routine
7:15 - in bed
(he wakes up once during the night to eat but goes right back to sleep)
The only time the frequent naps are hard is if we are out somewhere. He'll occasionally fall asleep in his carseat if we're driving somewhere but he definitely prefers to fall asleep in his bed. I know some kids will fall asleep wherever if they are tired but Owen has never been that way. As a newborn he had to be held and now it's the opposite. A couple of times he's fallen asleep in my arms but it's only because he's completely exhausted. I like the frequent naps when we're home because I'm finding it hard to know what to do with him for more than 2 hours. Thankfully it's cooler outside so our walks don't have to happen right away in the morning like they did this summer.
Owen still loves to eat and will often throw a fit when his food is gone. He's usually fine once we say "all done" and clean his face off. I think he knows that when that happens he's not getting anymore. Nursing is more difficult now than it was at the beginning and I'll admit that there have been times that I want to quit but we've made it this far so I might as well finish it out. I think it's been a little better the past few days but still not as fun as before. I mentioned his wild arms earlier so I get hit a lot and he will pinch and grab whatever he can with his hands and grab and pull with his mouth. Not enjoyable in the least. I miss the days when nursing was relaxing!
Here's a glimpse of what meal time is like with Owen.
I gave him prunes the other day because he's been a little constipated. They worked but unfortunately they kicked in while giving him a bath. Not so much fun!
Owen also has a new game he likes to play with us -
We went to the library this morning for "Book Babies". Owen seemed a little more fidgety than last time but we had a good time. Last time we went in the afternoon and it seemed like there were more more babies closer to Owen's age in the morning so I think we'll shoot for the morning session when we can.
I guess I haven't taken many pictures this week but we're going to an apple orchard tomorrow so I'll probably load up then!
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