Monday, August 20, 2012

A tooth!

Owen's first tooth poked through today! He was gnawing on my finger and I noticed something felt a little different so I rubbed my finger over his gum and there it was on the bottom. You can't really see it but you it's there and a little bit sharp! We've had a couple of rough nights lately but I just figured it was him being overtired but I guess it could've been teething related. I'll be thrilled if this is the most teething bothers him.

Owen has learned to drop and throw his toys around. I'm not exactly sure that it's always intentional but we've begun the never ending game of pick up/throw down.

Owen is also laughing more which I am loving. He loves to be tickled, dipped upside down or bounced around. He's also liking peek a boo.

He is learning that moving his tongue in his mouth creates different noises. He's making the TH sounds frequently and now when he cries it sounds like he's saying "nnnnn" or he's blowing raspberries.

We've added carrot's and oatmeal to the list of foods that Owen has eaten. I pureed some peas the other night and froze them but I think we'll try a fruit next like pears or apples. We shall see!

This is what happens when we talk with our mouth full. Carrots everywhere!

I love his face in these next two. They're the faces I see a lot of but seem to disappear as soon as the camera comes out.

 Not really interested in this whole sitting thing. It's harder to use the feet!

We had church in the park yesterday and Owen loved it!

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