Thursday, February 2, 2012

37 Weeks

We are officially considered full term which is quite exciting. Baby can come any day now although I'm content to wait another week or two. I can't guarantee much more than that though.

Not much new to report so far. I'm still swelling like a balloon and am pretty uncomfortable most of the day. Sometimes the swelling goes down at night and sometimes not so much. It's getting harder to find a comfortable way to sleep so I'm tired. Pat has moved to our spare bedroom because I started snoring. I'm basically the most attractive person you'll ever meet right now :-)

I'm just waiting for the nesting instinct to kick in so my house gets cleaned. I probably shouldn't count on it though. That will be the one pregnancy symptom I won't get.

I have an appointment tomorrow morning so I'll update on how that goes! My guess is that there won't be much change from last week which I'm okay with right now.

My blood pressure was high again today and I had some protein in my urine so we got sent to the hospital again and this is what I came home with.
NST straps and a jug to pee in for 24 hours. Exciting.

I saw a different doctor (Dr Wenzel) today that didn't seem to think I would be pregnant much longer. I'm dilated to 4cm so almost to the half way point already! She seemed to think I should be on bedrest and that I would have this baby within the week. My regular doctor (Dr Adam) was on call today and was there when we got to the hospital and I'm pretty sure she thought the other Dr Wenzel was getting a little over excited about me having this baby soon. She said it's not uncommon to be dilated 5cm for a week or two so we'll just keep waiting. She is having me come in on Tuesday instead of later in the week though. Dr Wenzel said I was "favorable for induction" which is good I guess but I'm praying it won't need to happen. I really just want this baby to come on it's own but I guess we'll figure out what is best and go with that. Dr Adam hasn't mentioned anything about inducing me so I'm hoping the other one was just jumping the gun. 

So much for a boring post!

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