Blood pressure was back to normal today. Yay! I have a mind that goes crazy so I had these dramatic fears that it was going to be really high and they'd either put me on bedrest or induce me. Both of these were never mentioned at my appointment 2 weeks ago so those fears were completely irrational. That's what I do!
The doctor said that baby is in position with head down which is good news. Now I can say that every time I look down at my belly I'm staring at my child's hiney. Might as well get used to it!
I've started having a lot more contractions but as long as I can make them stop by lying down they're not an issue. They are just getting their workout in before the marathon. I am looking forward to not having to stop whatever it is I'm doing so that they will quit.
I had another stranger tell me we are having a boy yesterday. She said to start thinking of boy names because she's usually right. She also told me my belly looks like a beach ball and that usually means boy. I don't know what I think anymore.
I've either started looking bigger or just more uncomfortable lately because I keep getting the "you look like you're about to pop" comment. I'm going to say it's the waddle that I've perfected that's making people think I could have a baby at any moment.
3rd trimester tiredness has set in and I could probably fall asleep at most anytime if given the opportunity.
We're slowly getting everything baby ready around here. We went through all of the shower gifts and got everything unwrapped and now I have a pile of laundry to do. I'll probably work on getting a bag packed soon and figure out any other last minute purchases that need to be made. I've finished the baby's first blanket and need to get started on hats now. I want to have a hat for him/her to wear either at the hospital or on the way home. A few other craft type things to get done and things to buy and we'll be ready to go!
(We never got around to a picture last week. I have to be honest and say that I don't really look forward to taking them anymore. I don't feel huge until I see a picture of myself and I barely recognize myself anymore)
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