Thursday, November 3, 2011

24 Weeks

According to our baby is about a foot long (oh, that makes me want Subway) and weighs around a pound. I've been feeling more real kicks lately which I love (depending on where those kicks are being focused). Daddy got to feel a real kick a week ago and I think it kind of freaked him out a little bit. I saw my stomach move for the first time on Saturday which is an odd sight to see. Baby finally got off my bladder last night so I only had to get up once compared to the 3-4 times a night that has become my usual. Heartburn has been terrible so I eat a lot of ice cream (I like to think it helps). We're taking Baby to see the KC Chiefs play this weekend which will be fun! 
Here's a belly picture from tonight and the ultrasound picture from a month ago that I never got posted.

Baby was all snuggled in with hands behind his/her head. So precious.

This is a short video where you can see that tiny heart beating and the little hiccups. I fall in love over and over.


  1. Liz! Great blog and pictures! Thanks for keeping us posted!
    Pat, ya done good on the belly photo. I was remembering towards the end with Ella, Bekahs face was carrying some extra weight so I got up on a chair to take the picture. Elevation helps for ice cream double chins. :)

  2. You and baby look great! Thanks for sharing! We'd love to see you and Pat again sometime soon! -Alisa

  3. Thanks for sharing your blog with me! I love it! WOW YOU LOOK SO CUTE and sooo good! And your baby is already funny with those adorable hiccups. :) Are you going to find out the gender or keep it a surprise? Love!
