Micah has become my sweet, sweet wild man. This boy is always moving, always sweating, and constantly putting himself in some sort of dangerous situation. He will climb on anything which is a whole new thing for me. Owen was never a climber so watching Micah climb up into his stroller, or onto chairs or any and all steps kind of makes my heart stop a little. It's rare that we go a day without a scrape or bruise on this boy. He falls all of the time but it very rarely slows him down.
There's so much for me to write about this little man I kick myself for not keeping better track of his development. Micah is currently my little shadow and often wants me to carry him around (although that seems to be lessening) but is also Mr Independent. He always wants to buckle himself into his car seat and pushes me away if I even touch his seat while he's working at it. He wants to feed himself with a spoon or fork but wants help with putting food onto the utensil.
Steps. Oh my. The boy refuses to crawl up and down stairs. He always has to walk up and down. Every once in a while I can convince him to crawl backwards if they are stairs without a handrail. He'll occasionally want to hold my hand but mostly wants to do it on his own. This has now changed to him always wanting to hold my hand.
He's recently started wanting to hold my hand and leading me places which is adorable.
He also loves to run. Watching this kid run is so awesome. He's actually pretty good which is probably from the need to escape his brother.
He's learning lots of words which is a lot of fun. Since Owen didn't really talk until 2 it's great to see him attempting words. He'll say mama, dada, moon, basketball, ball, up, help, did it!, ta da! (when lights turn on), and the favorite: NO NO NO NO NO.
I think his most frequently used word is basketball though. Our neighbor boys play in their driveway all the time and he loves to watch them so I'm sure that's why. He says it while signing ball and it's super cute.
Quite often when I ask him if he needs his diaper changed he'll say "pew!"
He is my sweet, sweet wild man. Always full of hugs and kisses and climbing on anything he can. Taking him to the park is a workout. He's figured out how to climb the curved ladders and I'm working on helping him figure it out rather than just telling him he can't do it because he's going to do it anyway.
He's learning to not be as much of a pushover with Owen which is currently just resulting in more crying and screaming from both kids.
We have some serious separation anxiety with this one. He cries almost anytime I leave him whether that's to put him in the nursery or just going to a different room. It's so hard to drop him off in the nursery because he will hold on so tight to my neck and I have to peel him off of me. He does great after a little bit though and is always having fun when I pick him up so that helps. I started going to a women's group on Thursday nights and Pat said when I left the first night Micah stood by the door and cried for a good 5 minutes before moving on. It's tough having him be that clingy but the joy on his face when he sees me makes me melt. I can be gone for 2 minutes or 2 hours and he will run with a huge smile on his face and squeal until he gets to me. So wonderful.
He and Owen are gradually starting to get along a little more. They still have their squabbles but are beginning to enjoy one another once in a while. It makes my heart so happy to see them being friends.
Sleep is much better now. Over the summer (while traveling which is crazy) he started sleeping later and now sleeps until 7:00-7:30 which made transitioning to 1 nap much easier. I was a little panicked on how that was going to work when he was waking up at 5:00 but it just came on it's own. That transition is always difficult for a few weeks as the 1 nap was really short but it's improved. He still doesn't take really long naps - maybe 1 1/2 - 2 hours but it's working. The last week or 2 he was only napping for an hour and waking up so crabby but seems to have worked out of that. He was having a 3-4 dirty diapers during the day during that time so that may have been the cause.
All 4 of his eye teeth came through in September. The top 2 were pretty rough but the bottom 2 have been a little better. He mostly just stopped eating. I think we had one every week. As soon as one was through another started.
Micah is a pretty picky when it comes to eating. He really doesn't eat all that much and meal times can be a struggle. He's starting to grasp the eat this then you get this concept which helps. He also seems to eat better if Owen feeds it to him. Whatever works I guess!
...and babies make 4
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Micah - 13 months
As mentioned in the previous post we have a little walker! Micah hasn't increased the number of steps he's able to take but is getting much braver at trying. He love cruising along with his walker and has learned to maneuver it quite well in the last week or 2.
Molar #3 has made its appearance but we're still sleeping horribly. Micah is up 3-4 times each night and while it's only for ~10 minutes it makes for a tired mama. We'll see how things go this summer with all of the moving around.
Micah has started signing a little bit which is fun. He only does it when mimicking me but we'll get there. I haven't been as diligent with teaching him as I was with Owen so I'm thrilled that he's still picking it up. Not sure that he'll get up to the number that Owen was at either but I think Micah will be an earlier talker.
Molar #3 has made its appearance but we're still sleeping horribly. Micah is up 3-4 times each night and while it's only for ~10 minutes it makes for a tired mama. We'll see how things go this summer with all of the moving around.
Micah has started signing a little bit which is fun. He only does it when mimicking me but we'll get there. I haven't been as diligent with teaching him as I was with Owen so I'm thrilled that he's still picking it up. Not sure that he'll get up to the number that Owen was at either but I think Micah will be an earlier talker.
Watching airplanes at the QC Airshow |
Daddy and Micah with their Graduation/Birthday Cake |
Finally getting to celebrate Micah's birthday. |
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Loving the swing |
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Helping mommy clean up the cheerio mess |
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This what he does whenever you give him a bowl. That day he was trying to eat sweet potato fries... |
Monday, May 18, 2015
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Micah - 1 year
Micah is currently working on his balance and we've seen a lot of improvement with how long he can stand on his own. He's probably up to 20-30 seconds before falling. He loves doing forward trust falls. He does great walking with push toys but hasn't attempted any steps on his own.
Peekaboo. This boy loves this game more than any kid I've ever seen. He'll play with anyone that look at him. He does it with me a lot when he has his buddy and is really good and keeping me on my toes. I never really know how long he'll hide. So funny.
We're up to 10 teeth now. I noticed his first molar on top a week or so ago and then last night I noticed the other side was starting to poke through.
Sleep seems to be either terrible or mediocre. We had a couple of nights where he would cry anytime he was put down but fortunately it only lasted a couple of nights. There was one morning where he'd woken up around 4:00 and I just brought him in bed with me and he went back to sleep. Typically he wouldn't lay next to me like that unless he was nursing (which is still painful) but he just snuggled in and we both fell asleep. It was actually quite wonderful. He didn't nap much yesterday - maybe 30-40 minutes total but did really well last night. He got up once at 4:00 for 10 minutes and then was back to sleep until 6:45 (which has become his regular wake up time). I'm thinking that 2nd molar contributed to our rough week. He slept really well today and we'll see how tonight goes. I have to keep reminding myself to not get all worked up when he has a rough night or two and just give him the snuggles that he needs.
We've gotten into a fairly regular schedule of nap time at 9:00 and 2:00 and bedtime at 7:45. I kind of forced a later bedtime now that the weather his nicer and it doesn't get dark so early. We've been able to go for some bike rides which is fun and both boys seem to enjoy it. I think Micah has dozed off every time though.
Micah still LOVES his bath and always wants to stand up which I don't love.
We're pretty much solely on table food now. I'll occasionally give him some fruit in the morning if he doesn't seem interested in his cereal or a jar of vegetable at lunch or dinner if he needs some veggies that day. He much prefers the real thing though and will only have a few bites. He LOVES blueberries and bananas.
We've been going for a lot of walks to the pond lately. We don't usually have enough time to go all the way to the park so we just walk down to the pond to look for ducks or geese. Micah enjoys that time as long as we keep moving.
Micah had his first haircut on Tuesday and is looking like such a big boy. It made me a little sad to see those little curls in the back go but it looks so much better now.
Peekaboo. This boy loves this game more than any kid I've ever seen. He'll play with anyone that look at him. He does it with me a lot when he has his buddy and is really good and keeping me on my toes. I never really know how long he'll hide. So funny.
We're up to 10 teeth now. I noticed his first molar on top a week or so ago and then last night I noticed the other side was starting to poke through.
Sleep seems to be either terrible or mediocre. We had a couple of nights where he would cry anytime he was put down but fortunately it only lasted a couple of nights. There was one morning where he'd woken up around 4:00 and I just brought him in bed with me and he went back to sleep. Typically he wouldn't lay next to me like that unless he was nursing (which is still painful) but he just snuggled in and we both fell asleep. It was actually quite wonderful. He didn't nap much yesterday - maybe 30-40 minutes total but did really well last night. He got up once at 4:00 for 10 minutes and then was back to sleep until 6:45 (which has become his regular wake up time). I'm thinking that 2nd molar contributed to our rough week. He slept really well today and we'll see how tonight goes. I have to keep reminding myself to not get all worked up when he has a rough night or two and just give him the snuggles that he needs.
We've gotten into a fairly regular schedule of nap time at 9:00 and 2:00 and bedtime at 7:45. I kind of forced a later bedtime now that the weather his nicer and it doesn't get dark so early. We've been able to go for some bike rides which is fun and both boys seem to enjoy it. I think Micah has dozed off every time though.
Micah still LOVES his bath and always wants to stand up which I don't love.
We're pretty much solely on table food now. I'll occasionally give him some fruit in the morning if he doesn't seem interested in his cereal or a jar of vegetable at lunch or dinner if he needs some veggies that day. He much prefers the real thing though and will only have a few bites. He LOVES blueberries and bananas.
We've been going for a lot of walks to the pond lately. We don't usually have enough time to go all the way to the park so we just walk down to the pond to look for ducks or geese. Micah enjoys that time as long as we keep moving.
Micah had his first haircut on Tuesday and is looking like such a big boy. It made me a little sad to see those little curls in the back go but it looks so much better now.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Micah: 11 Months
Micah is currently into everything and thinks being told no is hilarious. We may have our work cut out for us :)
He's started pulling up on everything and will take a couple of steps along. He'll also take steps if I'm holding him up. I think we still have a few months before he's actually walking though.
We're up to 7 teeth now and I'd say more are not far behind. He cut another bottom tooth a couple weeks ago but is still drooling and chewing on his fingers like crazy.
He still has some fussy times of the day where he will completely fall apart if I walk away from him. It also happens if he doesn't have someone's complete attention. He has no issues with being left in the nursery or with other people so I don't really know what it is. It can be really frustrating though!
Micah LOVES when people talk to him and will give strangers the best smiles if they look at him and say hi.
It's been fun watching the relationship between Owen and Micah develop. There are times where they do great together and lots of times where they are total enemies. Owen pushes a lot and doesn't like when Micah is doing certain things even if it's nowhere near where he is playing. Micah has been picked up and dropped twice by Owen. Both in the same day. The first time I told Owen to put him down and he just let go and the next time I thought I was being smart and told Owen to hold on while I ran over but he still just let go. Between a big brother and poor balance the poor kid gets more bumps in a day!
I think Micah will be a little more brave than Owen. He's pretty fearless which makes me nervous! I had to get the gate out last week since he learned to climb the steps. Fortunately I was sitting on the steps with Owen (during one of his MANY time outs for pushing Micah) rather than after he'd fallen down.
Nursing is still so-so. We've mostly cut out feedings during the day (too many distractions) with the exception of one at some point in the middle of the day although we've had several days where we've just been busy or not at home so we've skipped that feeding. He nurses right before bed, then usually wakes up around 2 and 5-6 and nurses then.
Micah still wakes up before the sun so his first nap is usually around 8:30 although there are some mornings where I'm pushing him to make it that long. I had a couple mornings where he woke up around 5 but then went back to sleep until 7ish and I was hoping it was the beginning of a new trend but it lasted 2 days. Oh well. We had a night last week where we were at someone's house and put him down there so we could stay later. He wasn't a fan of being woken up to get in his car seat or to be taken out when we got home. I payed for that decision for a week. That night he woke up 5 times and slowly decreased over the week. It was rough. Two nights ago he actually slept from 7:30-5:20 which is pretty great. The day before he taken to long naps so I figured that night was either going to go really poorly or really well. Fortunately it was the latter. He just got up once last night so hopefully we're back on track.
Micah is eating more table food now. We're probably 50/50 at this point. He gets baby food when he's hungry before dinner is ready or when we're having something I don't want him to eat. There are also days where I think he just doesn't want to chew food and he'll fuss about what's on his tray until he gets baby food.
I moved Micah out of the infant carrier this week. Owen got a new car seat so Micah sits in Owen's old seat. He seemed to love it the for the first trip but has now realized it's still a restraint so it's not so exciting. He usually does pretty well once we get going so not a big deal. The tricky part will be when he falls asleep in the van and I'll have to wake him up to take him out.
I think Micah will be a little more brave than Owen. He's pretty fearless which makes me nervous! I had to get the gate out last week since he learned to climb the steps. Fortunately I was sitting on the steps with Owen (during one of his MANY time outs for pushing Micah) rather than after he'd fallen down.
Nursing is still so-so. We've mostly cut out feedings during the day (too many distractions) with the exception of one at some point in the middle of the day although we've had several days where we've just been busy or not at home so we've skipped that feeding. He nurses right before bed, then usually wakes up around 2 and 5-6 and nurses then.
Micah still wakes up before the sun so his first nap is usually around 8:30 although there are some mornings where I'm pushing him to make it that long. I had a couple mornings where he woke up around 5 but then went back to sleep until 7ish and I was hoping it was the beginning of a new trend but it lasted 2 days. Oh well. We had a night last week where we were at someone's house and put him down there so we could stay later. He wasn't a fan of being woken up to get in his car seat or to be taken out when we got home. I payed for that decision for a week. That night he woke up 5 times and slowly decreased over the week. It was rough. Two nights ago he actually slept from 7:30-5:20 which is pretty great. The day before he taken to long naps so I figured that night was either going to go really poorly or really well. Fortunately it was the latter. He just got up once last night so hopefully we're back on track.
Micah is eating more table food now. We're probably 50/50 at this point. He gets baby food when he's hungry before dinner is ready or when we're having something I don't want him to eat. There are also days where I think he just doesn't want to chew food and he'll fuss about what's on his tray until he gets baby food.
I moved Micah out of the infant carrier this week. Owen got a new car seat so Micah sits in Owen's old seat. He seemed to love it the for the first trip but has now realized it's still a restraint so it's not so exciting. He usually does pretty well once we get going so not a big deal. The tricky part will be when he falls asleep in the van and I'll have to wake him up to take him out.
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Loving bath time! He tries to jump out of my arms as soon as we get near the tub. |
I love his rosy cheeks after naps. |
Lunchtime can be rough :) |
Grandma and Grandpa D. gave him his first donut |
Trying out the sand at the playground on a warm day |
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Brother got a little tired on the way home from the park so Micah had to share his stroller |
Superheroes in daddy's old wagon |
I love matching jammies... |
Snack time |
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Bucket rides with brother |
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Micah's on the move
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