Thursday, November 5, 2015

Micah - 18 Months

Micah has become my sweet, sweet wild man. This boy is always moving, always sweating, and constantly putting himself in some sort of dangerous situation. He will climb on anything which is a whole new thing for me. Owen was never a climber so watching Micah climb up into his stroller, or onto chairs or any and all steps kind of makes my heart stop a little. It's rare that we go a day without a scrape or bruise on this boy. He falls all of the time but it very rarely slows him down.

There's so much for me to write about this little man I kick myself for not keeping better track of his development. Micah is currently my little shadow and often wants me to carry him around (although that seems to be lessening) but is also Mr Independent. He always wants to buckle himself into his car seat and pushes me away if I even touch his seat while he's working at it. He wants to feed himself with a spoon or fork but wants help with putting food onto the utensil.
Steps. Oh my. The boy refuses to crawl up and down stairs. He always has to walk up and down. Every once in a while I can convince him to crawl backwards if they are stairs without a handrail. He'll occasionally want to hold my hand but mostly wants to do it on his own. This has now changed to him always wanting to hold my hand.
He's recently started wanting to hold my hand and leading me places which is adorable.
He also loves to run. Watching this kid run is so awesome. He's actually pretty good which is probably from the need to escape his brother.
He's learning lots of words which is a lot of fun. Since Owen didn't really talk until 2 it's great to see him attempting words. He'll say mama, dada, moon, basketball, ball, up, help, did it!, ta da! (when lights turn on), and the favorite: NO NO NO NO NO.
I think his most frequently used word is basketball though. Our neighbor boys play in their driveway all the time and he loves to watch them so I'm sure that's why. He says it while signing ball and it's super cute.
Quite often when I ask him if he needs his diaper changed he'll say "pew!"
He is my sweet, sweet wild man. Always full of hugs and kisses and climbing on anything he can. Taking him to the park is a workout. He's figured out how to climb the curved ladders and I'm working on helping him figure it out rather than just telling him he can't do it because he's going to do it anyway.
He's learning to not be as much of a pushover with Owen which is currently just resulting in more crying and screaming from both kids.
We have some serious separation anxiety with this one. He cries almost anytime I leave him whether that's to put him in the nursery or just going to a different room. It's so hard to drop him off in the nursery because he will hold on so tight to my neck and I have to peel him off of me. He does great after a little bit though and is always having fun when I pick him up so that helps. I started going to a women's group on Thursday nights and Pat said when I left the first night Micah stood by the door and cried for a good 5 minutes before moving on. It's tough having him be that clingy but the joy on his face when he sees me makes me melt. I can be gone for 2 minutes or 2 hours and he will run with a huge smile on his face and squeal until he gets to me. So wonderful.
He and Owen are gradually starting to get along a little more. They still have their squabbles but are beginning to enjoy one another once in a while. It makes my heart so happy to see them being friends.
Sleep is much better now. Over the summer (while traveling which is crazy) he started sleeping later and now sleeps until 7:00-7:30 which made transitioning to 1 nap much easier. I was a little panicked on how that was going to work when he was waking up at 5:00 but it just came on it's own. That transition is always difficult for a few weeks as the 1 nap was really short but it's improved. He still doesn't take really long naps - maybe 1 1/2 - 2 hours but it's working. The last week or 2 he was only napping for an hour and waking up so crabby but seems to have worked out of that. He was having a 3-4 dirty diapers during the day during that time so that may have been the cause.
All 4 of his eye teeth came through in September. The top 2 were pretty rough but the bottom 2 have been a little better. He mostly just stopped eating. I think we had one every week. As soon as one was through another started.
Micah is a pretty picky when it comes to eating. He really doesn't eat all that much and meal times can be a struggle. He's starting to grasp the eat this then you get this concept which helps. He also seems to eat better if Owen feeds it to him. Whatever works I guess!