I have to quick get this post in today since I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow and these kiddos ages will no longer coincide. :)
22 monther -
Owen is beginning to talk more and more and try to copy me which I am loving. He loves to help us cook or bake (Pat got him into that) and will stand on a chair in front of the counter and be the dumper. Last night we were making dinner and he would try and say all of the spices I was using. Not understandable in the least but completely adorable.
Owen is starting to learn some letters. O and Z are his favorites. Z he just signs but he loves to say O! We started doing pat a cake a week or two ago (I was never very good about teaching him this types of things when he was littler) and that's when he started saying O all of the time. We started reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom again and he likes to find the O's on the pages and really like the last page which is just the letters. I was changing his diaper the other day and he was fussing about it so I started reciting the book (this is what happens when you read the same thing over and over) and he was able to chime in on his own at B, D, G and H. I hadn't realized that he knew that so it was a lot of fun. When I can get him to say L he sticks his tongue way out and to the side. He doesn't always want to try though.
Owen's been a little under the weather lately which isn't fun. He had an ear infection right before Thanksgiving which cleared up pretty quickly after starting the antibiotic and getting him back to his usual self by the time we were with family. Thursday afternoon he came down with a fever though and I figured it was due to some molars coming in (his 2 year molars came in fine on the bottom a few weeks ago but the top ones haven't appeared yet) because he was chewing on his fingers a lot and when I would ask where his owie was he would point to his mouth. Turns out he has hand, foot and mouth disease. I talked to the nurse at his pediatricians office and she said that's probably what it is base on his symptoms. The good news is that he's probably past the worst of it and will likely be fine by the time we're around all of the kiddos at my families Christmas. We did hang go over to play with the neighbor boy on Thursday morning before he had any symptoms so I'm hoping he didn't pass it along to anyone. The rash on his hands doesn't seem to bother him but he does ask my to rub the bottom of his feet sometimes because they itch which the nurse thought was interesting. He hasn't had any problems drinking fluids so we don't have to worry about him getting dehydrated.
22 Weeker
We had our ultrasound right before Thanksgiving and everything looked great! Baby is measuring a few days ahead which is pretty typical. I'm feeling a lot more movement which is so much fun. I'm starting to feel little kicks from the outside.