Friday, November 23, 2012

More teeth

Owen is getting 4 teeth in right now and it has been brutal the last couple of days. I noticed them on Tuesday and then Wednesday night was awful. Poor baby was up at least every hour so I think I got a combined total of 3 hours of sleep. I ended up giving him some Tylenol around 3am because he'd been whimpering in his bed for 15 minutes straight and I could tell he was in pain. The only reason I waited that long was because I thought he was waking up because he was over tired but not the case. He slept in bed with us the rest of the night but still woke up several times. He ended up sleeping through most of his first Thanksgiving. He was really clingy and whiney all day Thursday and it was so hard to see him in pain. He would cry every time he coughed so I'm not sure if he had a sore throat as well or if it just hurt his mouth. Last night and today were better so I'm hoping we're over the worst of it. He barely ate anything yesterday and had no interest in breakfast this morning. He's nursed a lot though so at least he's getting something. I would've preferred for this to happen while we were at home but I guess the good side is there were other people to take him so I could get some rest. This week has been great but I'm looking forward to getting back to our beds and routine.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Owen said "mama" for the first time on Friday and it made my day. He was playing in his jumperoo and I went in the kitchen to do something and he started fussing then I heard "mama!" I was so happy! 

He's been making more consonant sounds in the last couple of days so it's fun to hear something more than just "ahhhh". Lots of "babablabla".

He's rolling a lot and learning how to get to where he wants to go.

Monday, November 12, 2012

9 month stats

Height: 28.8 in (73%)
Weight: 19.06 lbs (38%)
Head: 18.5 (90%)

The pediatrician said his lungs and his ears look fine so nothing to worry about with his cold but his top gums looked swollen so we'll probably have some more teeth soon!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

9 Months

How did this happen already?? Time is just cruising by around here, that is for sure.

Owen's been rolling more but still can't really keep his balance when he's on his belly. I'm glad he's making the effort to get to things he wants rather than just crying when something is out of reach.

His cold seems to be improving. I haven't had to use nearly as many tissues in the last two days and he hasn't been coughing much at all. I'm hoping it goes away completely soon.

We've had some great nights of sleep and some average nights this week. Tuesday night I but him down at 6:45 and he didn't wake up until 5:30 and then went back to sleep for another couple of hours. I felt great after getting a long stretch and a late morning. He took good naps on Wednesday as well but then his nights went back to waking up at least twice. It seems that the days he takes short naps he sleeps longer at night. I love that he can sleep 10-11 hours straight but it makes for a long day when I get less than 2 hours during the day while he naps. At least I get one of the two!
A few nights this week I've given him a bottle before bed rather than nursing him. Partly because I had it on hand and partly because that's when he does the most biting. He's showing a little more interest in nursing lately which is great. It's been quite a while since I felt like I wasn't forcing him to nurse.

He still hasn't gotten anymore teeth but I'm okay with that (see aforementioned biting!). I'm pretty sure that once those top teeth come in he will strictly take a bottle.

Owen has his 9 month check up on Monday so we'll find out his stats then. He's still fitting into his 9 month clothes but I'm sure it won't be for much longer.

Owen has started to hate the changing table and cries every time I lay him on it. He doesn't mind having his diaper changed anywhere else so I don't know what that is about.

He started doing all sorts of funny things with his lips lately. Smacking them, sucking on his top lip, chewing on his bottom lip. It's all really funny.

Owen is loving his jumperoo and goes crazy in it now. It's a blast to watch him in it.
He's also loving books more. He's always liked them but would get fidgety or try to grab at the book while I read. Now he just snuggles onto my lap and cries a little when I put them away.
Some of our favorite books right now are:
Chicka chicka boom boom
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Fidgety Fish
Goodnight Moon

In the last couple of days Owen has started to want to sit on my lap while we play on the floor. He'll start grabbing at my legs and whining until I set him on my lap. Super fun.

In other exciting news I've been successfully eating dairy for the last month! I'm still trying to not overdo it mostly because I don't want to gain back any of the 60 pounds I've lost in the last 9 months. It is exciting that I'll be able to partake in the deliciousness of the holidays! I'll need to start working out soon though to make up for it.

Owen has a little Beavis laugh which cracks me up.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

I always forget the anticipation that election day brings. That wondering of who will win and will it be the candidate I voted for; how much of what they said they will do will actually happen and what will the next 4 years be like. It's exciting. Someone had a post on Facebook today that was a good reminder:
"Remember that today is the day we elect a president, not a savior. The position of Savior is already filled". It's comforting knowing I serve a sovereign God who has already determined the next president and every president after.

I've been a lazy blogger lately. Owen still has his cold and is waking up several times during the night and I haven't been going to bed as early as I should to make up for that so I've been a little tired lately.
Pat's parents came up last weekend and we were in Fairmont this past weekend so Owen has gotten lots of Grandma and Grandpa time. A friend of mine got married on Saturday in Fairmont so Owen stayed with my parents while Pat and I went to the wedding. I'm sure he had a great time. It was a pretty quick trip but it was great to see them. I didn't get to see any of my siblings which is always a bummer but it was nice to have my parents to myself :)

Owen is starting week 4 of a runny nose and week 2 of coughing. I talked to a nurse at his pediatricians office and she said that unless he spikes a fever or gets really fussy to not worry about it. I no longer think that his cold is what is waking him up at night so it's time to break some habits. Daylight savings ending over the weekend has been a little rough as well. This morning Owen wake up at 4:45 acting like he was ready for the day. Even without the time change that would have been crazy early for him to wake up. I did get him to go back down until 6:45 which was good.

Owen recently started rolling to get what he wants. He has to really want it and already be on his back. He gets really mad when he gets backed up against something and doesn't yet know to just roll the other direction. I love watching him try to get his momentum going to get to his belly.

Owen loved cuddling with Grandpa Jerry
I realized I haven't taken many pictures of him in the last couple of weeks. Whoops!