We've had a couple rough nights but I think we're on our way up. Last night was the first night this week that neither of us had to go back into his room after putting him down. There were 2 nights this week where it took about 2-3 hours for him to actually go down. We propped his mattress up, dug out the humidifier, even tried having him sleep in the chair that he used to. He'd wake up every 20-60 minutes because he couldn't breathe or because he had so much draining into his throat. He just wanted to sit on my lap which was fine with me. We'd get a good chunk of sleep after those awful hours though probably because he was so exhausted.
He no longer finds the nose sucker funny and hates having his nose wiped. His appetite has also decreased this week. He hasn't been as interested in eating solids but is still nursing great which is good.
Each night before I went to bed I planned on not getting much sleep which made it easier to deal with. Wednesday night we ended up giving him some tylenol after trying for 3 hours to get him to sleep. He snuggled on my lap for a bit then slept for 9 hours. That made me wonder if he's maybe getting some more teeth. I haven't seen or felt anything yet though so we'll see. He's also been his usual happy self during the day so I don't know. He is drooling more but that could just be from not being able to breathe through his nose.
Last weekend we made the transition from 3 naps to 2 and so far it's gone quite well. Saturday and Sunday we were at church in the morning so he didn't get his usual morning nap and then dozed on the way home and woke up when we got home so then I just kept him up until about 2 and he took a good nap both afternoons. We've been doing a nap around 10 and 2 and they last about an hour or so. He'll usually talk for 20 minutes or so after he wakes up and if he cries right away I'll turn his mobile on and can get anywhere between 20-45 minutes of crib playtime.
I've learned that schedule changes go very smoothly when he's ready for them. Trying to eliminate the 3rd nap before he was ready was a nightmare but this time it never even phased him. We'll see if that helps with his nighttime sleep. After talking to my sister-in-law last week we added in another meal so now he gets breakfast, lunch and dinner. He's also had cheerios which was a big hit.
Friday night Owen got to hang out with Pat's cousin Camie and her two girls while we went to a marriage conference at church. I had no idea how he would do with someone else putting him to bed but she said he did great and didn't even notice I was gone. Way to go Owen!
Owen has become quite friendly and loves to wave at anyone that says hi to him. Our favorite is when he comes downstairs after sleeping and one of us is sitting in the living room. Whoever is holding him will stop at the bottom of the stairs and the other will say "hi Owen!" and he'll tuck is chin into is chest for a bit acting all shy then his face will light up and he'll start waving his awkward, uncoordinated little wave. It's awesome.
Little football boy. |
This is how I keep him entertained during diaper changes. |
Have I mentioned he's a total cheeseball? |
Peekaboo! |